Texas Trivia

What is the capital of Texas?
Dallas San Antonio Austin Lubbock

In Austin, which of these is illegal to carry in your pocket?
Steak Knifes Horseshoes Binder Clips Wire Cutters

What is the state bird?
Northern Mockingbird Bald Eagle Brown Pelican Southern Mockingbird

Texas was an independent nation from 1836 until which year?
1868 2018 1901 1846

What is the only natural lake in the state?
Lake Travis Caddo Lake Toledo Bend Reservoir Lady Bird Lake

How much of the nation's total area does Texas take up?
3.8% 11.7% 7.4% 18.3%

The Heisman is named after the first full-time head coach of which Texas university?
Rice University Texas State University University of Texas at Austin Southern Methodist University